How To Relax After A Busy Day / Week?
Adulting is a stressful job!!
Hectic days are a common phrase in today’s world.
We find every other day hectic and stressful, but given the consequences we cannot take leave the next couple of days or even a day.
Relaxing after a long busy day is mandatory since we have to work and be productive the next day as well and the next day too.
Here are a few tips on how to relax and soothe yourself after a busy day:
Pour yourself a drink, a lemonade or even tea. Avoid alcohol. Not Good for You. Period.
Sit in your bath tub; add a few drops of essential lavender oil to the water and bubble soak your body.
Take a hot long shower if the bath tub option is not really possible.
Go for a massage or indulge in self-massaging your muscles like arms, thighs, neck are. The areas which feel rigid mostly.
Watch your favorite TV show and sleep early with a humidifier on if possible. Humidifier helps you sleeps early.
Cook your favorite meal and have it all by yourself.
Meditate helps to get in control of yourself and calms your mind.
Not intense working out but exercising helps you break in sweat and thus taking a shower later cools you off.
Read a good book. It helps you forget what all you have been through all day long.
Dance or listen to some good music.
Do things which calm your mind and soothe your body.
Make sure to get enough sleep so that you can be much productive the next day. 🙂 🙂
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