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Daily Life Hack with a Ribbon

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Always getting your luggage mixed up with someone at the airport? Have to open up all the chains to verify if it’s your bag or not? Do you have to run behind someone who took your bag thinking it was theirs?

We have all been there. It is not your fault all the luggage bags look so much alike.

If you do not want to invest in a fancy new (read expensive) luggage bag, or if you just like your old bag a lot, then just use this simple hack.


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All you have to do is tie a bright colored ribbon on the handle of your luggage bag and you will find it so much easier to locate your luggage among all the generic looking ones at the conveyor belt.

Keep the knot secure and also make sure the ribbon is thick enough so you can spot it from a distance.

So simple, but I bet you did not think of it before.

Read more life hacks: Daily Life Hacks


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