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Are Flexitarians the New Vegetarians?

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A flexitarian is person has consumes a semi-vegetarian diet where he can occasionally consume meat.

It is considered a situation where you have veggies for 6 days of the week and then comes a day of your week off where you can consume meat of your choice on that day.

It repeats as a cycle and thus flexitarians are vegetarians with exemptions.



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Some of the pros of being a flexitarian are:

  • You are not meat deprived, you get to take taste meat every once in a while.
  • You will earn all the proteins and nutrients present especially in meat.
  • It helps you in building muscle pretty quick.
  • You are flexible with your diet
  • Save money. You can save up money when you just eat veggies for most of your life.
  • Consider it as a lifestyle rather than a diet.



Some of the cons of being a flexitarian are:

  • You are not considered a vegetarian.
  • You will not receive as much protein as you do when you eat meat.
  • You will have meat cravings more than usual at the initial stage.
  • You will lack in iron and vitamin B12


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So, being a flexitarian helps you balance your diet well and also provide you with a lot more pro’s than cons.

Bruce Friedrich says, “If people influenced by health consequently cut back on fish and meat consumption – that helps animals. If two people cut their meat in half it helps as much as one person going completely vegetarian.”

Try a flexitarian diet for a month and let us know your experience!! 🙂

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